About the Lodge Website Project
The Internet has become an essential source for information in the modern era, taking the place of the venerable phone book. Today’s potential member goes to the web to search for information about everything—including Odd Fellowship. Having a website to help promote Odd Fellowship in your jurisdiction is essential in this day and age. The IOOF Sovereign Grand Lodge has a website which is helpful for finding general information about Odd Fellowship. But for the person in your jurisdiction who is interested in joining and wants a better idea of what’s going on locally, a jurisdictional website is essential. Recognizing the challenges faced by small jurisdictions, the Sovereign Grand Lodge Communications Committee has started a new program to build websites for small jurisdictions that are not able to do so on their own.
To qualify for this program you need to be a jurisdiction that does not currently have a website and whomever you appoint as your Webmaster needs email access. The Communications Committee will build the website with the information provided to us by your jurisdictional Webmaster and be available to help with updates in the future as information changes. The jurisdiction will need to pay for website hosting, typically less than $10/month. If your jurisdiction would like to participate, please contact us to get started.
To qualify for this program you need to be a jurisdiction that does not currently have a website and whomever you appoint as your Webmaster needs email access. The Communications Committee will build the website with the information provided to us by your jurisdictional Webmaster and be available to help with updates in the future as information changes. The jurisdiction will need to pay for website hosting, typically less than $10/month. If your jurisdiction would like to participate, please contact us to get started.
Friendship, Love, Truth
Independent Order Of Odd Fellows