New Lodge Website Project

The Independent Order Of Odd Fellows Sovereign Grand Lodge Communication Committee is working with Grand Lodges still in need of a website. We hope to have all the Grand Lodges online soon!

Welcome to the Sovereign Grand Lodge Communications Committee’s website!  

This is our hub where we coordinate all the activities of the Communications Committee.  Our job is to help facilitate electronic communication in Odd Fellowship.  That includes setting guidelines for members to use social media, managing the Sovereign Grand Lodge website, and answering questions submitted through that website.  

We are very excited about our newest project: helping small jurisdictions build websites so they can promote Odd Fellowship in their area.  We know that many of our jurisdictions are small and don’t necessarily have the resources to build their own websites so we are offering our services to help those jurisdictions by building them websites.  

For more information on the website project, click here.  If there’s anything else you would like our help with, feel free to contact us.  We will do our best to help you out!

Early IOOF Communications

Friendship, Love, Truth

Independent Order Of Odd Fellows